Without the means to earn money, there would be no jobsite for you to work at. Ensuring the safety and well-being of your workers is paramount. A thriving business and a secure workplace are interconnected, and our team of health and safety experts comprehends the regulations, practical applications, and financial impact. It's preferable to receive guidance from us rather than face scrutiny from OSHA.
We assist numerous companies in gaining fresh insights into their facilities through our objective audits, conducted with a fresh perspective. Whether you require an in-depth, meticulous inspection or a quick overview, we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. From comprehensive evaluations to brief checkups that highlight potential concerns, we provide the level of assistance that suits you best.
Let us guide you through every stage of the process, starting from assessing your OSHA 300 Log and recordkeeping to conducting a comprehensive site inspection. Our all-inclusive compliance package is tailored to your site, providing a specialized health and safety program. Our team of well-trained personnel prioritizes safety, ensuring seamless compliance with an efficient documentation system in place. Simply inform us of your requirements!
You can execute each step flawlessly: establishing the program, devising the plan, crafting the forms, and presenting an attractive package. However, what is crucial to complement these efforts is comprehensive training for all employees and managers. In some cases, we conduct training for a select group to become trainers through the "train the trainer" program. These newly trained and certified employees then proceed to train the remaining personnel at your facility. Alternatively, some companies prefer to engage external third-party trainers to ensure ongoing freshness and to alleviate the burden on their internal trainers when necessary. Whatever the requirement may be, rest assured that we are here to offer our assistance.
Certified Basic Training Center by Medic First Aid Training Center, a Health and Safety Institute Company
OSHA-Authorized Outreach Trainer in Construction: Vick Loomis
Health and Safety Program Development
A Health and Safety Program Manual is only effective when it's read and applied. Let's be real - no one is going to dive into a six-inch thick manual that's essentially a regurgitation of every occupational safety rule out there; even one can be a challenge to navigate. Fortunately, you don't have to endure that. We've crafted user-friendly programs in a concise manual format that outlines the requirements for your specific site and details the steps you need to take to ensure compliance. With our track record of creating tailored Health and Safety Programs for satisfied clients nationwide, rest assured that our programs are not just gathering dust - they are being actively implemented. Let us design a program for you that you'll actually find valuable and user-friendly.
Customized Data Tracking Programs
Have you ever wished for a simpler way to keep track of employees' training status? Look no further! With ATOKA's employee training tracking programs, identifying who requires training in specific areas is just a click away. Whether you're checking if your maintenance crew is current on hot work practices or determining who needs a hearing test, it's all conveniently accessible. Our website showcases a sample individual employee record tailored for companies with extensive equipment and specialized training needs. For instance, you can easily view John's training history in the assembly department at a glance. Additionally, the spaces at the bottom of the form are designed to monitor attendance at safety meetings, reflecting our customizable approach to meet your specific requirements.
As you may be aware, safety is a top priority, particularly with regards to the Hazardous Energy Control Program, commonly referred to as Lockout/Tagout. Apart from formulating a tailored written plan outlining your specific startup and shutdown procedures, ATOKA will compile a comprehensive database encompassing all your equipment details such as serial numbers, locations, energy sources, hazards, inspection dates, and any other pertinent information. This not only meets OSHA standards but also proves to be beneficial for various purposes according to feedback from our clients, including inventory management and maintenance scheduling. Feel free to communicate your requirements, and we will collaborate with you to ensure they are met.