Lead in older paint poses a significant risk, particularly because children have a tendency to put almost anything in their mouths. Whether it's playing with paint chips that have peeled off the walls or gnawing on the vintage crib purchased at a yard sale, there's a high likelihood that they might ingest the paint. While paint isn't a staple food group, the concern arises when it comes from older paint products containing lead. Therefore, if there's a suspicion that an item may have been painted before 1978, it's advisable to refinish or dispose of it.
Lead present in paint on walls is not the sole concern; it can also seep into soils from various sources. An abandoned junkyard site may harbor multiple contaminants, including lead, potentially exposing children playing in the soil. The risk extends to places like shooting ranges, battery storage facilities, or locations where old structures have been razed. It is advisable to assess the soils of such properties or any suspected areas with lead or asbestos presence. Areas with high levels of contamination should be remediated before considering purchases, sales, or construction on the property.
Soil testing has the capability to detect the existence of dangerous levels of lead and other substances.
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